Pet Vaccinations in Miami, FL

We recommend that all puppies are vaccinated at 8 and 10 weeks of age and kittens should be vaccinated at 9 weeks and 12 weeks. Vaccinations are a very important part of routine care for your pet to protect them against some potentially lethal diseases. The nose to tail health check that we perform before any vaccination is very important to detect problems and diseases early – from dental disease to cancer.


We vaccinate against the four core diseases of Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Leptospirosis. Luckily most of these diseases are relatively rare however they can be fatal if not caught and treated early. In addition to the four core diseases, we recommend vaccinating against Kennel Cough if your dog is likely to mix with lots of dogs or will be kennelled. Kennel cough is a very common disease, and whilst rarely fatal, causes significant inconvenience and discomfort. This vaccine can be done from 8 weeks and is given annually with the booster.


We vaccinate against Cat Flu, Enteritis and Feline Leukaemia Virus (this is a common cause for tumours in cats). After the initial course, annual booster injections are given to ensure disease protection.

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Monday - Friday 8AM  -  6PM
Saturday 9AM  - 5PM

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